Friday, June 25,2021
Summer 2021 Plan

Date: June 25, 2021
To: Residents of Lake Summerside
From: SSRA Management, on behalf of the Board of Directors
Re: Summer plan in relation to the removal of COVID-19 public health orders
Hi Summerside!
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we were very happy and proud to be able to have our facility stay open, and to serve the residents of Summerside. We have heard many comments saying that our residents were thankful the facility was here, because it offered some sense of normalcy, and something fun to do through an unprecedented time. As we exit an unprecedented time of a pandemic, and pandemic related restrictions, we excitedly are entering another unprecedented time. The window of time where restrictions related to a pandemic are almost completely removed.
Our goal continues to be to maintain a safe environment for everyone. We are both excited to be able to offer our facility in more of a normal fashion, but are also aware of the many people who consider our facility a safe space and are concerned that the Beach Club will be overrun with traffic in the timeframe shortly after public health restrictions are removed.
Our Board of Directors, your elected representatives of the community, had extensive discussion about our opening plan, and worked to create a gradual approach that is designed to be representative of the collective feelings of the entirety of Lake Summerside. This phased approach is in alignment with the City of Edmonton, who at the time of writing this communication has also indicated that they will be opening various amenities in a gradual fashion.
Details of the plan are as follows. Please note that we may have to alter and adjust specifics of our operating plan if public health orders change, or new information is provided to us:
• Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Closed statutory holidays.
• Beach Club Park Hours: Monday-Sunday 10:00 am – 9:30 pm
• Entry Park Hours: Monday-Sunday 10:00 am – 9:00 pm
We have received feedback from many residents who are excited to be able to have their full guest privileges back (5 per household). We have also heard from many residents who are concerned with the full opening of guest access, and guest usage in the park potentially effecting their enjoyment and usage of the amenities.
Historically guest access has changed at the SSRA. As the number of homes in the community has increased, the number of guests each household can bring has decreased. These historical adjustments were made to make sure that residents’ usage and enjoyment is always prioritized, while still balancing the ability to bring guests to the Beach Club.
With the potential for an overwhelming amount of guest presence and usage in the coming weeks, the SSRA will be using a gradual approach to opening up guest access.
Starting July 1st guest access will be as follows:
Monday- Friday (excluding statutory holidays)
Each household can bring 2 guests, without pre-booking. Households may book up to 2 more guests using the booking system currently in place. There will be a maximum of 50 guests spots per day on this reservation list. A guest will be defined as anyone who is not a Lake Summerside Resident, regardless of age.
Weekends and Statutory Holidays:
There will be up to 80 bookable guest spots per day. Households may bring up to 4 guests per day but must use the booking system. No walk-up guest access will be allowed at this time. The exception to this is for those living alone, as defined by being the only person registered on a property. Those living alone may bring 1 guest without booking, and may book 3 more guests using the booking system. A guest will be defined as anyone who is not a Lake Summerside Resident, regardless of age.
Guest Check- In Time
When booking guests using our system, you must indicate a 2-hour window of when you intend to arrive at the park with your guests. If you do not arrive in that indicated timeframe, your guest reservation may be considered a no-show, and your guests spots may be given away to others.
Resident Only Time and Park Capacity
In order to initially maintain a quiet time for residents who prefer to avoid guest traffic, Guest access will be allowed starting at 1 pm daily. Prior to that only residents may enter the park.
During this time, our current park capacity of 350 will be maintained.
After 1pm, guests may enter. Capacity after 1pm will be 475 people, and will gradually increase at the discretion of the organization. Park access will be on a first-come, first-served basis. If you are curious about the current entry status related to capacity, you can call the gatehouse at 780-756-6772.
Tennis/ Pickleball and Guests
Because it does not affect density in the most used areas of the park, those who are reserving tennis or pickleball courts may bring guests in prior to 1pm.
How to Book Guests
Guests can be booked at > Reservations
The age of entry will be 12 years of age, starting July 1st.
We’re excited to be able to offer full access to all of our watercraft and lifejackets, without booking, starting July 1st.
Prior to that, please continue to use our booking system to reserve your desired watercraft, and be aware that currently we are not able to offer the use of lifejackets, because of the current COVID 19 cleaning requirements in place for this type of material.
Starting July 1st, our Fishing Dock will be open for use without reservation. Prior to July 1st reservations continue to be required. Reservations can be made at
Our multipurpose room and indoor washrooms will continue to be open for use. Currently the indoor washrooms open and 12pm. Starting July 1st, the indoor washrooms will be open during all park hours.
Mask requirements will align with provincial and city public health orders and bylaws at that time.
Outdoor portable toilets will also remain available for use.
The SSRA hall can be booked starting on July 5th. Please call the office at 780-497-7558 for more information or to inquire about availability.
Outdoor bookings, and tent rentals will not be offered at this time. As SSRA guest access and capacities increase, these bookings and rental options will be revisited.
Rental equipment will continue to be available out of our Multipurpose Room
BBQ pits will open as of July 1. BBQ pit availability can fluctuate daily and hourly based on events and programs that may be running in the area. For a date specific update of BBQ pit availability, please call our gatehouse at 780-756-6772.
Our Events team has worked hard over the last few months planning out various options to provide the best resident experience possible on Canada Day. Currently, we’re planning out Canada Day activities during the day in a controlled and safe manner, making the safety of our residents and staff our #1 priority. We have been working through the permit process alongside our supplier and we’re intending on having a firework display for the community on Canada Day if we get City approval. Though our permit application was submitted long ago, we must wait for official approval from the City of Edmonton. More details will be released closer to Canada Day. If we are unable to offer a firework display for Canada Day, we intend to move the firework event to a different date later in the summer. More details will be released soon.
The SSRA is excited to continue to progress our organization forward towards normal operations. Thus, Directors, Executive, and Management will be discussing and adjusting guest access and capacity, and other rules and operations throughout the summer.
Please go to > About US > Summer Rules and Regulations, consistently throughout the summer for the current rules and regulations
As previously mentioned, our aim is to continue create a safe environment for everyone. The plan in place was designed to represent, and find a balance of, all of the different views of the many residents of Lake Summerside. It was also designed to allow for more guest access and less restrictions, while still prioritizing resident safety and access during a time that could potentially see the SSRA have unprecedented numbers of guest users if a gradual approach was not taken by the organization. We thank you for your patience and understanding. As representatives of the community, our Board of Directors care about your thoughts and opinions. If you have any feedback, please email with your thoughts. That feedback will be shared with the Board of Directors who meet regularly, and used to help guide future policy decision.
See you at the beach!